MidZM is an alias I go by on the internet, I'm also known as Zoeo on certain gaming platforms. I'm an artist who really enjoys writing stories, I constantly make story line after story line in my head and occasionally use my artistic skills to draw said stories, as well as a picture here and there. I rarely uses my real name on anything, no real reason to doing this except that I don't like using my real name used on the internet.
About Me
I used to enjoy coding for the online game Garry's Mod in the GMod Lua language, and I was a Developer on the GMod community Browntown Gaming, but I left due to increasing toxicity. I had plans to create a new Garry's Mod gamemode called "Zombie Masters" but due to time, a massive learning curve, and dealing with personal stuff I was unable to make the gamemode a reality, although it would still be fun to do at some point.
At the moment I'm going to college to get a certificate in webdesign and to finish my Associates degree in Fine Arts. But sometime in the future I plan on going to college to get into 3D animation for companies like Disney, Pixar, Ubisoft, etc.